Services for Hospice
Extend Your Staff: Expand Your Team for Greater Efficiency and Improved Family Satisfaction
Collaborative Support for Hospice Care
Present for You is not just there for individuals and families but for hospice teams as well. Having extra eyes and ears can help alert medical staff as patient situations change, all at a relatively low cost. Our collaborative approach magnifies hospice teams' reach and impact to better meet everyone's emotional, spiritual, and practical needs.

Demystifying Hospice for Earlier Adoption
Despite hospice's benevolent foundations and dedication to holistic care, the idea of entering hospice is misunderstood and even traumatic for some. Because PFY begins care early through our Serious Illness Companions, we are able to discuss entering hospice at suitable times. We teach them about what hospice is—and is not. These conversations alleviate family anxiety and often result in earlier adoption when appropriate.
Prolonging Better Life
Studies have shown that people opting for earlier hospice actually live longer than those who enter in crisis.
Medicare Hospice Knowledge
We understand the Medicare Hospice Benefit and know how to discuss it. These conversations facilitate intake and admission.
Community Care Platform
We have developed a comprehensive community care platform that efficiently records client visits, monitors progress, and measures outcomes in order to provide the best possible care for hospice patients. We can work with you to develop community networks and resources that can be activated through our platform.
Better Community Connections
People of color, LGBTQI+ individuals, and other minority groups are underserved by hospice. Our community care platform can improve trust of hospice and help make care more appropriate and personalized by drawing on authentic community.
Improving Measured Outcomes After Death
We combine the power of trusted relationships with the collection of essential information through our platform. This approach enhances patient-centered care by enabling the swift detection of addressable issues before a patient dies and before CAHPS® data are collected.

Find answers to commonly asked questions about PFY's hospice collaborations.
We are one of the only doula organizations with long-term hospice contracts. We have proven our value through the collection of actionable data and client insights. Our value proposition is that we can bring in multiple doulas who can be more flexible and cost less than hiring a single hospice aide.
Our preferred structure is a predictable, low-cost monthly fee to provide a reasonable number of doula visits each month. We generally structure the fee based on the average daily census of a hospice. We are open and flexible to other payment arrangements. Under certain regulatory circumstances, we believe that we are also permitted to join the IDT directly for some patients who may benefit from the spiritual counseling that many of our doulas are qualified to provide.
Our doulas all undergo an industry-standard background check. Beyond our in-house training for Serious Illness Companionship, we require that they be trained by a reputable doula education organization, which is usually the University of Vermont or the International End of Life Doula Association (INELDA). Additionally, we maintain relationships with the Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC) to offer palliative courses to our doulas. You may have your own screening and training requirements. We are happy to participate in all such reasonable requests.
PFY's services are distinct from your typical volunteer doula programs. One of the key distinguishing factors is our commitment to providing greater consistency, reliability, timeliness, and availability. In addition, our team undergoes extensive training, and we prioritize data collection and access to community resources.
When doulas must rotate or exchange places, ours have institutional knowledge that can better sustain consistency of care. We can even swap out doulas when a patient or family does not mesh well with a particular doula.
Furthermore, our expansive networks enable us to connect with appropriate third parties when services are needed outside the scope of hospice.
The number of doulas depends on the average daily census and the structure of the contract. If you are in a new market, we may need time to build and train the team that best meets your needs. We can be flexible during that time and can provide virtual care as appropriate until our team is fully functional on the ground.